My Flower Journal: Art byTammy Northrup

How to Make Splattered Paint Flower Cards

You can make beautiful splattered paint cards and gift tags on blank cards or watercolor paper.  Cards are easier to make than paintings because you don’t need a painted sky or background.  I also love the look of the spattered paint flowers on a white background in a frame.

How to Make Splattered Paint Flower Cards

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How splatter paint and turn it into flower art

Detailed instructions for how I splatter paint can be found on my previous posts here and here. In these posts I share the acrylic paints and brush from Hobby Lobby I like to use. There is also a video showing how I splatter the paint. I also answer some frequently asked questions and share lots of splattered paint flower art ideas.

Tips and types of cards I used

I used Strathmore Watercolor Postcards and Strathmore Watercolor Cards. (The cards I used in the example below with the blue deckled edge are no longer available. You could even make your own cards out of card stock or 140 pound watercolor paper.

Splatter acrylic paint on a card. Make sure the design is centered. Cover any areas you don’t want paint with paper towel. After the splattered paint is dry use more acrylic paint to add flowers and leaves.

It’s important to keep the back of the cards clean during the splattering paint process. I placed each on a paper towel and and held the edge of the paper towel to move the card from the painting area to a safe place to dry.

Working on the watercolor paper if you get a blob or splatter of paint you don’t like. Let it dry completely then use an exacto knife or something with a sharp point to scratch it off.

Keep your splattered paint card on a paper towel to keep it clean while you are working on it.
Splattered Paint Poppy Flowers Card
Tips for Splattered Paint Lavender Flowers Card
Splattered Paint Flower Card on Watercolor Paper
Card made from 5 inch x10 inch watercolor paper folded in half.

More splattered flower art ideas for cards

More splattered paint flower art ideas that can be used on cards and gift tags.

Watercolor Postcards

Splattered Paint Flower Garden Cards
Tips for Splattered Paint Flower Art watercolor postcard

These 4 x 6 Postcards would even look nice in a frame.

Tips for Splattered Paint Flower Art watercolor postcard

Watercolor gift tags

Make Splattered Paint Flower Art gift tags

 I used scraps (2″ strips) of watercolor paper for the gift tags. I splattered them with acrylic paint then added flowers using acrylic paint. Next I scored them and tore them so they would have a torn edge look. The strip with the purple flowers I sprinkled clear glitter on the paint while it was still wet. It gives it a fun sparkle without detracting from the flower colors.

Splattered Paint Flower Garden gift tags

Happy Splattering! The possibilities are endless!

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