Creating botanical line drawings and doodles is a new favorite hobby for me. I have loved working my way through Peggy Dean’s Botanical Line Drawing Book. It has helped me explore new flowers, leaves and other botanicals that I can draw and add to my art. This book makes it very simple to learn how to do botanical line drawings and turn them into doodles and other flower art.

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Practice Botanical Line Drawings
The Botanical Line Drawing book is set up so you can practice right in the book. (The copy I have is an older edition.) It has step by step drawings for each plant and a box at the bottom where you can practice drawing the leaf, flower, cactus or succulent shown in the steps above. There is plenty of white space where you can continue to practice. I challenged myself to do one or two pages a day. Sometimes I was having so much fun I just kept going. You can see my drawings in the “draw it” box on the pages below.

Botanical Doodles
After working my way through Peggy’s book I decided to try some botanical line drawings in a doodle style. I really like the simplicity of working with a piece of paper and a black pen to create flower art. It feels good to just use two simple supplies to be creative. Here are some of my botanical line drawings and doodles.

Leaves and background doodles
For on of the doodle above on the left I did just leaves . I love flowers and use them in almost all my art. For this doodle I challenged myself to do something without flowers.
I find my botanical doodles look more complete when I added some small designs in the negative spaces. It makes them look fuller and gives them more movement and life. On the right are some background doodles I like to use.
Have fun creating your own botanical line drawings and doodles!

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In August 2020 I started reading online to my grandchildren, who live hundreds of miles away. A few years and over a thousand books later we are still reading together on FaceTime. I created to help other grandparents that want to have a rewarding experience reading aloud to children they love!
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