I love to paint watercolor flower wreaths! Its a simple relaxing project for me. As I decorated our house for Christmas I decided I needed to try paint some watercolor Christmas wreaths. What a fun project it turned out to be. I will show show you how to paint a watercolor Christmas Wreath in a few easy steps.

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Watercolor Paper, watercolor brush or waterbrush, pencil, black pen,, kneaded eraser
Watercolors: I use the Daniel Smith Essentials Set (a limited palette) plus a few favorite colors for most of my watercolor projects, but there are times when its nice to have premixed colors like the ones found in the Koi Watercolor set.
Steps for painting a watercolor Christmas wreath

1.Lightly trace around a round object in pencil. Draw a bow. Keep the pencil light so it doesn’t show through the watercolor. I made mine dark so you could see it, then lightened it with my kneaded eraser.
2. Paint the bow leaving some of the ribbon open and not connected. You will be filling in green around it and will want it to look like the ribbon is hidden by some of the greenery. Add dabs of red paint to look like clusters of berries.
3. Use a yellow green paint and start filling in the wreath shape with dabs and small strokes of paint. Leave some white space and keep the edges loose and random looking.
4. Add a medium green color to the wreath using small, loose strokes. Don’t cover up all of the yellow green-these are your highlights. Add some dark green in places on top of the medium green. Use a variety of greens and dark blues. Keep the edges loose and open. Add some darker color here and there to the ribbon and berries.
5. I added a little bit of pen detail on the bow and a few berry and leaf shapes. I used a very, very fine point black pen and tried not to make it too dark or overpowering. The last thing I did was add a few splatters of red and green paint.

More ideas

How to paint watercolor Christmas Lights that glow can be found here.

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